



Cultivating Green Communities for a Brighter Tomorrow

Join us in a journey of growth, where together, we cultivate a greener, more sustainable future

CivicSeed Community

Cultivating sustainable communities,
protecting nature

Discover the CivicSeed difference – where a supportive community, engaging gamification, vibrant forums, and a personalized journey await. Join us in our mission to nurture green spaces and create a better tomorrow for our planet and its people. Your voice matters here.

Environmental Conservation

Preserving and restoring natural ecosystems through sustainable practices.

Community Engagement

Fostering active participation and collaboration to build resilient and inclusive communities.

Advocacy and Education

Promoting awareness, empowering individuals, and advocating for policies that prioritize sustainability and environmental justice.


Why CivicSeed?

Are you ready to be part of a thriving community dedicated to making a difference? Explore the incredible features and sections that CivicSeed has to offer, designed to enhance your experience and amplify your impact!

Super Complete Profiles

Engage with our vibrant community through rich, full profiles that showcase your interests, achievements, and connections. Your profile is your canvas to express yourself, connect with like-minded individuals, and make a lasting impression.

Incredible Gamification System

Embark on an exciting journey with our innovative gamification system. Earn badges, complete quests, climb ranks, and accumulate credits as you contribute to the community. The more you engage, the more you unlock, adding a touch of fun to your CivicSeed experience.

Friendly Forums

Join the conversation in our user-friendly forums where discussions flow and connections flourish. Create your own discussions, share insights, and collaborate with others who share your passion for protecting green spaces and fostering community.

Super Author Hub

Empower yourself with our comprehensive Author Hub. Manage your profile settings, personalize your information, fine-tune email preferences, and take charge of group affiliations. It’s your control center for a seamless CivicSeed journey.

Dark/Light Presets

Experience CivicSeed your way with our customizable dark and light themes. Switch effortlessly between aesthetics that suit your mood and preferences, creating a browsing experience that’s uniquely yours.

Private Groups

Forge connections in private settings. Seamlessly create and manage private groups from your Author Hub. It’s your space to bring like-minded individuals together for focused discussions and collaborations.


Asked Questions

We know that some of you may have lots of questions about the community, how it works, and what you can and cannot do, so here’s a recopilation of the most common questions we get asked.

If you have any further questions, just send us an email to

Creating your CivicSeed account is a breeze. Just click on the “Register” button in the main menu. Fill in your desired Username, Email, and Password. You’ll soon receive an activation link via email. Click the link to activate your account and voilà, welcome to our vibrant community!

Absolutely! CivicSeed warmly welcomes everyone who’s eager to join. Our doors are open to all.

Yes, creating a community account is completely free. There are no fees involved. If you’re interested in becoming part of our DAO, you can choose to contribute a donation to support our impactful initiatives. In return, you’ll gain valuable voting power in shaping our collective decisions. Explore our membership tiers to learn more.

Absolutely, and we encourage it! We believe in the strength of community, and your support in inviting friends amplifies our impact. We’re counting on each of you to help CivicSeed flourish and advance. Your contribution strengthens us as a collective force, and we deeply appreciate it.

Credits are like tokens of appreciation within our community. You earn credits by actively participating, contributing valuable content, and engaging with others. These credits can be exchanged for various perks, rewards, and even unlocking certain privileges. They reflect your dedication to CivicSeed’s mission and your role in shaping our shared future.

Yes, absolutely! Our forums are designed to be inclusive and participatory. We believe in fostering open discussions and sharing diverse perspectives. Every member of our community is welcome to join in the conversation, ask questions, provide insights, and connect with others who share a passion for nurturing urban green spaces. Your voice matters, so feel free to jump into the discussions!